Friday, March 7, 2008

waris dirie

waris dirie

The last waris dirie video

(14 minutes ago)

- Waris Dirie (born 1965 in Somalia) is a Somali model and a UN advocate for the abolition of female genital mutilation. Since March 4, 2008, she is missing. ...
- Waris Dirie informiert �ber ihr Leben und �ber ihre Kampagne gegen weibliche Genitalverst�mmelung.
- Though she was among the top models in the world for some years, model Waris Dirie has disfigured feet, covered with scars she acquired during a nine-day ...
- The Waris Dirie Story. (c) Reader's Digest. My family was a tribe of herdsmen in the Somalian desert. And as a child, the freedom I had to experience ...
- Waris Dirie survived the horrific pain and trauma of genital mutilation but finally cracked and ran away from her family when she found out she was to be ...

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