Sunday, March 9, 2008

sacral agenesis

sacral agenesis

The last sacral agenesis video

(14 minutes ago)

- Sacral agenesis (or hypoplasia of the sacrum) (also more commonly called caudal regression syndrome) is a little known and rather infrequent congenital ...
- Type III - Variable lumbar and total sacral agenesis, with the ilia articulating with the ... Patients with type IV sacral agenesis require spinal-pelvic ...
- Sacral agenesis is a rare disorder of uncertain incidence1 that has been reported in diverse populations. Although usually sporadic and most commonly ...
- Sacral Agenesis is a term that applies to a wide range of developmental disorders of the lower portion of the spinal column and pelvis.
- Sep 14, 2007 ... Check out Sacral Agenesis - Condition that Affects the Spinal Cord - Submitted by uncgrad at Associated Content.
- Caudal aplasia is the total or partial agenesis of the distal neural tube resulting in sacral agenesis. It is characterized by absence of the sacrum and ...
- a CHORUS notecard document about sacral agenesis. ... agenesis or hypoplasia of sacrum. part of caudal-regression syndrome. a/w maternal diabetes ...
- home > sacral agenesis article. Font Size. A · A · A. Definition of Sacral agenesis. Sacral agenesis: see agenesis, sacral. ...

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