Tuesday, February 12, 2008

diacritical mark

diacritical mark

The last diacritical mark video

- A diacritic or diacritical mark, also called an accent, is a small sign added to ... A diacritical mark can appear above or below a letter, or in some other ...
- Glossary definiton of 'diacritical mark' with an explanation of how it is used in English and Spanish.
- Definition of diacritical mark in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of diacritical mark. What does diacritical mark mean? diacritical mark synonyms, ...
- Definitions of diacritical mark at Dictionary.com.
- File Format: PDF/Adobe AcrobatYour browser may not have a PDF reader available. Google recommends visiting our text version of this document.Combining Diacritical Marks. 0300. 030E. COMBINING DOUBLE VERTICAL LINE ABOVE. �. Marshallese. →. 0022. " quotation mark ...
- diacritical mark definition, words related to diacritical mark, proper usage and pronunciation of the word diacritical mark from YourDictionary.com.
- Diacritical Mark, sign or mark placed over, under, through, or after a letter to indicate a special sound or value for the letter to which it is...
- Diacritics (Diacritical Mark, Accent) - Font Terminology glossary. Over 400 type articles and definitions of main notins of typography.

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